
An easy to use RabbitMQ Client for .Net.

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RPC Server Example

This is a simple example demonstrating the server side of the RPC implementation. A very simple interface is provided in RabbitExpress.Example.Shared. This interface is used in the server.

Add the reference

In the csproj add a PackageReference to the RabbitExpress.Serializers.JsonSerializer

    <PackageReference Include="RabbitExpress.Serializers.JsonSerializer" Version="1.*" />

or the RabbitExpress.Serializers.MsgPackSerializer package.

    <PackageReference Include="RabbitExpress.Serializers.MsgPackSerializer" Version="1.*" />

Using the RPC Server

Using the RPC Server is as simple as:

using (var qc = new QueueClient<MsgPackSerializer>(new Uri(config["RabbitExpressConnection"])))
    qc.RpcServer<IExampleService>(x => x.Calculate(1, 2), new Func<int, int, string>((i1, i2) =>
        Console.WriteLine($"Calculating {i1} + {i2}");
        return (i1 + i2).ToString();
    qc.RpcServer<IExampleService>(x => x.Process(new ExampleMessage()), new Action<ExampleMessage>(m =>
        Console.WriteLine($"Process {m.Text}");
    qc.RpcServer<IExampleService>(x => x.EncodeMessage(new ExampleMessage()), new Func<ExampleMessage, ExampleMessage>(m =>
        Console.WriteLine($"Encoding {m.Text}");
        return new ExampleMessage() { Text = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(m.Text)) };
    qc.RpcServer<IExampleService>(x => x.DecodeMessage(new ExampleMessage()), new Func<ExampleMessage, ExampleMessage>(m =>
        Console.WriteLine($"Decoding {m.Text}");
        return new ExampleMessage() { Text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(m.Text)) };