Example Worker
This project makes use of the RabbitExpress.QueueClient and utilizes the RabbitExpress.Serializers.JsonSerializer when communicating with the queue.
Add the reference
In the csproj add a PackageReference to the RabbitExpress.Serializers.JsonSerializer
<PackageReference Include="RabbitExpress.Serializers.JsonSerializer" Version="1.*" />
or the RabbitExpress.Serializers.MsgPackSerializer package.
<PackageReference Include="RabbitExpress.Serializers.MsgPackSerializer" Version="1.*" />
A simple worker
The main code makes use of predefined messages and queues. See RabbitExpress.Example.Shared for details.
Making use of the the worker is a little more involved than using the client for publishing.
var r = new Random();
using (var qc = new QueueClient<JsonSerializer>(new Uri(config["RabbitExpressConnection"])))
qc.RegisterWorker<Queues, ExampleMessage>(Queues.EXAMPLE_QUEUE, m =>
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m.Message?.Text))
Console.WriteLine("Rejecting empty message.");
return WorkerResult.Failed;
if (r.Next(100) % 3 == 0)
throw new ApplicationException("Simulated recoverable error.");
Console.WriteLine($"Acknowledging {m.Message.Text}");
return WorkerResult.Success;
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine($"Rejecting {m.Message?.Text} with reason: {e}");
return WorkerResult.Requeue;
This simple code will continuously wait for an ExampleMessage on the RabbitMQ queue called EXAMPLE_QUEUE. The most important part is gc.WatchQueue<ExampleMessage>(Queues.<QueueName>, ...);
. The delegate passed to this function will be called for every valid received message.