An easy to use RabbitMQ Client for .Net.
How to install
In the csproj add a PackageReference to the RabbitExpress.Serializers.JsonSerializer
<PackageReference Include="RabbitExpress.Serializers.JsonSerializer" Version="1.*" />
or the RabbitExpress.Serializers.MsgPackSerializer package.
<PackageReference Include="RabbitExpress.Serializers.MsgPackSerializer" Version="1.*" />
Publisher usage
For a simple example of a publisher see RabbitExpress.Example.Publisher.
Worker usage
For a simple worker implementation see RabbitExpress.Example.Worker.
RPC Client usage
For a simple rpc client implementation see RabbitExpress.Example.RpcClient.
RPC Server usage
For a simple rpc client implementation see RabbitExpress.Example.RpcServer.